Saturday, April 11, 2009

some random stuff from the past few days..

# celebrated holy thursday mass at SVDP church, followed by supper at xin wang hk cafe at kovan - spaghetti pork chop, baked pasta and shanghai fried rice. sinful indeed, especially eaten at 11 plus at night.

# tried a new recipe yesterday - banana cheesecake. it turned out quite nice, but a little bit burnt on the top, since I left it in the oven for too long :p

# spent today eating and playing wii at house of a friend's friend. he's currently taking cooking lessons full time, and loves to cook for his friends, I guess.. or you may say make use of his friends as guinea pigs, hahaha.. for lunch today the theme was pasta, and he prepared seafood linguine and meatball spaghetti. we just came knocking at his door bringing our rumbling stomach, haha... no, we're not that bad, we brought bottled drinks, wine and some snacks. but the perfect item on the menu was the dessert - lemon cheesecake served with strawberry slices and dark chocolate.. yum!

# am currently a fan of the settlers of catan boardgame..

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