Monday, September 27, 2010

So how was my first day back at work, you asked?

I was pleasantly surprised to realize people was actually greeting me and some of them even found me in my cube *so touched*. They went:

"Hari pertama balik kerja?"

"Hey, new staff!"

"Welcome back!"

"You look fresh.."

"Hey, you're back!"

"Do you still remember your password after such a long leave?"

"You look more like a mummy now.. your face's rounder."

"You look fat.."
another *gulp*


Oh, and every single one asked me, "Who's taking care of the baby?"


Apparently it's their first time hearing the grandma-on-shift arrangement.


J.H said...

hahhaa, lucu bener "grandma on shift" ye, sayang gw have no one to depend on over here hahaha...

Anonymous said...

lol. i guess you weren't able to get a maid? grandmas are better anyway. =)

pleasantinterlude said...

I haven't got a replacement yet. but the grandma-on-shift solution was decided long time back before baby's born, with or without maid.