Monday, April 20, 2015

Japan Without Sushi - Part 8

On Stamps

I read somewhere before the trip about this and brought a small notebook along with me wherever we went. Managed to collect some unique stamps, most of them were cute and worth seeking for. JR Train stations usually have one. For big stations like Tokyo and Osaka, asking for direction was a must, otherwise we could spend hours looking for it. For really small stations, we also had to ask at the control station, as they usually keep the stamp with them. For medium-sized stations, the stamping stations could be placed anywhere - usually outside the entry/exit gates. Tourist attraction places have their own stamps, too, sometimes in more than one design.

On Tidbits

KitKat is a perfect souvenir for everyone - it's uniquely Japan, affordable and comes in small packages. Their various flavors are interesting too. But, finding them was not an easy feat. In supermarkets, usually only the standard flavors were available - original, and sometimes the dark chocolate and green tea - all of which are available in Singapore.

A souvenir shop in Fujikawaguchiko had wasabi, toast-able cheesecake and apple flavors. Thinking there would be other chances, I only bought a packet, and then realized that it's not freely available anywhere. After scouring through some aisles in various shops to no avail, I googled it and found out that they are usually sold in drug stores/pharmacies in Tokyo Narita airport.

So, presenting my KitKat collection: rum & raisin, toast-able cheesecake, strawberry, sakura matcha, Hokkaido red bean, and Yokohama cheesecake.

Have a break, have a KitKat, Jaga Pokkuru and Osaka Banana!

The toast-able kitkat was finger-licking good! I baked it for about 4 mins, watching it like a hawk - first it melted, then slowly it turned golden brown. The final product was warm, crunchy and sweet.

In Narita, there were long queues in snack shops. Common items in their shopping baskets: Tokyo Banana and Jaga Pokkuru fries.

I felt there was nothing special about Tokyo Banana. So I bought Osaka banana instead :p Their shapes were different but both resembled bananas and smelt and tasted like bananas.

I had not heard about Jaga Pokkoru until this trip, and decided to buy a few boxes home (JPY 800/box). They even limited the number of boxes each customer could buy - up to 5. Perhaps it's part of the marketing ploy. One box contains 10 small bags of fries. It tasted just like fries, just less fresh. Each stick was crunchy and crispy. Nice, but it doesn't warrant the hefty price it's sold at in Singapore. The taste is similar to Jagabee's fries - also a Calbee product sold in Singapore, but Jaga Pokkoru is more crunchy and less salty.


Monica said...

Wuah....cakep2 banget foto-fotonya, langsung deh buat referensi kalo nanti aku dapet kesempatan jalan2 ke Jepang.

Selama ini kalo suami lagi business trip seringnya sih nitip tokyo banana sama Jagabee (walaupun ada di Singapore tapi kalo di sini tuh varian rasanya gak banyak and gak ada bungkus yg kecil2 plus lebih mahal juga). Coba deh besok2 nitip Jaga Pokkuru juga aahhh.....Oya satu lagi yg enak tuh red bean mochi dengan buah strawberry beneran di atasnya, strawberry di sana enak gak kayak yg dijual di sini.

Aku pernah comment kok gak masuk ya, mudah2an yang ini masuk.....

pleasantinterlude said...


thank you yah.. masuk nih, commentnya :)

iya, coba deh blind test jaga pokkuru vs jagabee.. bisa bedain ga, hehehe.. sama2 produk calbee. red bean mochi yg ada buah benerannya ya... ga liat deh kayaknya kemarin.. ada merknya kah?

Monica said...

Iya yang ada buah benerannya, dan gak ada mereknya, cuma didisplay aja di rak kaca gitu, trus pilihan buahnya macem2. Ok, next time mesti coba si jaga pokkuru ini......tapi gak tau kapan nih.......hahaha.......

pleasantinterlude said...

btw, jadi sign up cold storage kids run kah?

Monica said...

Enggak jadi, huhuhu.........
Anaknya gak mau lari 1.6 km, maunya tetep 800 M aja katanya. Masalahnya kan yang 800 M itu harus sama ortu ya, nah bapaknya gak mau tuh takut gak kuat juga sih karena jarang olahraga.........kalo mamahnya sih jangan ditanya deh, bisa pingsan kali di tengah2 kalo suruh lari...........
Kamu gimana? Jadi daftarkah?

pleasantinterlude said...

hehe.. iya kita jadi daftar.. gue sih tim hore aja di pinggiran deh seperti biasa.. :p