Friday, April 02, 2010

With nothing better to do and having the mood to mess up the kitchen, I decided to try out 2 simple recipes today: green bean pudding and klappertart (coconut cake).

I chose green bean pudding since I had one big packet of green beans which my mum brought with her last week. I used konnyaku jelly moulds for aesthetic purpose. The pudding turned out nice to look at and tasted good too, but it's quite filling as lots of coconut milk was used.

Klappertart was chosen since eggs were required. I bought eggs 2 weeks ago and had run out of ideas what else to do with them. This cake was satisfying with pieces of coconut, raisins and almonds.

now I still have honey baked ham and thick cream in the fridge which are expiring soon. any ideas what else to make?


Ole' Wolvie said...


Eat with cracker and cheese!
With guacamole dip (to use the cream) :D

pleasantinterlude said...

thanks for the suggestions!

Candela said...

Mau dong resep si green bean puding ini!! :)

pleasantinterlude said...

boleh, boleh, ketik disini? di blog elo? atau mau di-imelin? pendek aja kok resepnya.

Candela said...

Disini juga boleh :) Makaciiiii^^ Hihihihi....

pleasantinterlude said...


100 gr kacang ijo
1 bungkus agar-agar bubuk
400 ml air untuk merebus
400 ml santan
100 gr gula

Boil green beans until tender, drain from soup, let it cool.
Blend beans with coconut milk using blender.
In a pan, mix agar-agar powder, sugar, and blended bean over medium heat. Stir constantly until the mixture begins to thicken and boil. Remove from heat.
Pour mixture into agar-agar mould. Let it cool before refrigerate.
Serve it cold.

Candela said...

Gw abis bikin.... thanks a lot!!! Enaaaaakkk!!!! Hahahaha, lama bgt ya baru bikin??