Saturday, October 27, 2012

[Sydney Trip] Day 3: Markets and Botanic Garden

Saturday's market day!

I was excited to see and experience the markets in Sydney so we included quite a few in our itinerary. Today we visited Eveleigh market, Organic market and The Rocks market.

Eveleigh market was a farmers' market where most stalls sold their fresh produce. Beside honey, pretty flowers, fruits and vegetables, there were also wines, baked goodies, cooked food and ice cream.

Eveleigh Farmers' Market

Organic market that we visited was at Orange Grove public school. It was not so big but it sold various stuff from food to second hand books. There was a children playground too that's open for public.

Organic Market

The Rocks market must be the one with the best view, as it's nestled within the historic Rocks area with gorgeous backdrop of Harbour Bridge and Opera House. The stalls were neatly lined up under bright white tents. Most of the stall holders designed and sold their own stuff and everything was displayed and packaged attractively.

We also bought some cakes from French Patisserie with Courtyard Cafe, located next to the market. The cakes were really pretty I had a hard time choosing.

The Rocks Market

It's Indonesian cuisine for lunch today at Ayam Goreng 99, Kingsford. We ordered their ayam bakartahu pepessayur asem and mie ayam. Their ayam bakar was really tasty - it was marinated very well, I could tell from the breast meat that had the tendency to be tasteless. Their sayur asem was good too - the remark came from me who wasn't one to enjoy sayur asem :)

After lunch we strolled along the street to go to White Lotus Asian Food Market that sold all sorts of Indonesian food, snacks and spices. The variety there was amazing.

Lunch at Ayam Goreng 99

Next stop was the Botanic Garden where we wanted to see Mrs Macquaire's chair. Apparently the place offered the best view of the Sydney harbour. We spent some time there before going off for sunset mass at nearby St. Mary's cathedral. The tall tree with purple flowers complimented the grand church architecture really well.

Mrs Macquaire's Chair at Botanic Garden

After mass we stopped by at Chinatown to buy some bbq pork buns and emperor puffs. The piping hot puffs were only sold here, from a small booth smacked between a Chinese restaurant and bread shop. The queue was quite long and it didn't get any shorter. There was only one Chinese lady taking orders, serving and taking payment in brisk manner. To me the puffs tasted just alright, it didn't justify the snaking queue. In fact they're quite dry with only some very little custard in the middle. I wondered if it's really custard or just the uncooked part of the puff :p

As we planned to have BBQ at home, we shopped for some meats at Woolworths before going home. The BBQ was done at the balcony with the new BBQ set. On the menu: steaks, sausages, risoles, teriyaki salmons and fries. Yummilicious.

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